About us

Serta Company was founded in 1993, with basic activities in trade and export of frozen meat.

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Serta Company has its own refrigerated storehouse where it stores frozen and fresh meat.

Slaughter house
The slaughter house Serta Company is located in Macedonia
Address: Betovenova No. 10, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Serta Company was founded in 1993, with basic activities in trade and export of frozen meat.

          During 1999 it invests in the construction of objects and freeze storages. It equips itself with a rich vehicle park for the necessary needs of the distribution of frozen and fresh meat. Parallel with the import (of chicken, lamb, pork, beef, and turkey meat), Serta Company, in 2001 expands its activity and work with the export of fresh lamb meat and skin, so during 2002 it becomes one of the leading companies for export of lamb meat in Macedonia. Serta Company attributed so that the Macedonian lamb becomes a recognizable BRAND in Europe. Besides the export, a part of the company’s work is to provide the home Market with fresh lamb, sheep, pork, beef meat. The export of lamb meat is mostly done in Italy, Greece, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the skins in Italy and Turkey.
In the beginning of 2004, the company buys its own slaughter house in Kavadarci, which is modernized by high world standards and criteria.
As a major success was getting the registry export number for the slaughter house (number 52) for export of fresh lamb, sheep, and goat meat for the European market. This made Serta Company to get a HACCP Certificate, which is a normative that’s part of the European standards for healthy and legitimate food and a warranty for the company.
In the property of Serta Company is also the farm for cows, pigs and lambs in v.Sopot, Kavadarci.
According to the needs of the company, Serta Company has high qualified professionals:
- Veterinary doctors - responsible for the quality of the meat, and for implementation of HACCP;
- Agronomics - responsible for the receiving and classifying of the live animals;
- Technologists for meat
- Economists and board of managers

